SBLTV Attorneys Win $1.2M Wrongful Death Settlement

Smith, Born, Leventis, Taylor & Vega (SBLTV) would like to highlight a recent case that ended in victory for our client. Our two attorneys, Jacob Born and Jamie George, worked tirelessly for over two years to secure justice for our client and his family.
This case arose out of a hit and run motor vehicle collision that occurred in North Augusta, South Carolina, where the owner of a local business struck and killed our client. The local business owner claimed that he was operating his personal vehicle while he was on the way home to take dinner to his family when the collision occurred.
Born and George filed suit against the owner and his business, alleging the driver and business were responsible for our client’s death. The business owner repeatedly denied that he and his business were responsible for our client’s death.
Through two years of litigation, Jacob Born and Jamie George established the business owner accepted a phone call from a paid employee in the moments before the fatal wreck. Further, they discovered the business owner had claimed the “personal” vehicle involved in the collision as a corporate asset on his business tax returns before and after the collision.
After a wave of motions before the state and federal courts, the insurance company agreed to tender their policy limits as our lawyers were preparing for the federal bench and state court jury trials. The last offer before the insurance carrier tendered their limits was $75,000.00.
In the end, Born and George secured $1.2 million for their client’s family. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed through no fault of your own, contact SBLTV today for a free consultation. The first step in winning a lawsuit of this type is finding out if you have a case for our attorneys to pursue. We don’t get paid unless you do.